Spring 2023


Notes from the Secretariat

The Q1 2023 management committee meeting conference call was well attended as usual.

There were various dicussions about compliance issues including a recent statement by a  test agency that equipment power supplies should not be specified with power derating at low mains voltages, their argument being that the product could be used worldwide and might be accidentally overloaded. The EPSMA position is that users take responsibility for their application and anyway a power supply will have overtemperature protection. The EPSMA has prepared a position statement which will be used to support its case as necessary. If left to stand, many AC input products on the market would have to be respecified for a lower power rating. Member SiQ is helping to keep the EPSMA informed of developments

The flammability rating of materials in power supplies was discussed, with standards traditionally allowing concessions for small material amounts. This has been removed in some standards but is believed to be reinstated. The EPSMA is monitoring the situation

Paul Lee for the secretariat presented to the plenary meeting of the CENELEC TC 22X committee to update them on EPSMA activities. The EPSMA is a liason organisation with CENELEC and monitors their announcements.

TC activities

The TC is expecting to present a 'Statement of Work' for the proposed paper on EMI standards at the next MC meeting in May.

There is interest in the membership for papers on built-in materials issues and calculation methods to determine a product's carbon footprint. These will be progressed at the TC and decicisons taken at the next MC meeting whether these can be future TC projects.

Minutes for the meeting are available in the website members' area.


We have a ’Linkedin’ forum for members to use and a data base of UL non-conformances for members to log their observations. Contact the secretariat for more details.

CE Marking Issues forum

Remember we have a forum for issues members have with “CE” marking. If you would like to share problems (and resolutions!) With other members, please contact the secretariat with details.